Leeds CU exists to give every student the opportunity to discover Jesus and live in relationship with him. Sign up to our newsletter to get monthly updates about what God is doing on campus and how you can partner with us in prayer or giving.
Our mission has three main components - supporting existing Christians, making space for those on the edge to take the next step, and putting on events for those who have never even considered Christianity before.
From handing out tea and coffee to carol services and apologetics we seek to get students who have never thought about Christianity before asking the question "is there more to life than this?"
Hall groups meet in halls of residence around the city to study the Bible and support each other through Uni life. They also exist as a space to bring non-Christian friends to find community with Christians.
We want to strengthen and equip each other to live for Jesus on our courses and with our friends. We meet together weekly to pray for each other, worship and hear practical teaching on living for Jesus at university.
Our events and outreach on campus are made possible by our generous alumni and supporters who each give a small amount every month. If student mission is something you're passionate about please consider supporting us with a small donation every month.
Note: this donation will appear as "GoCardless" or "LUUCLUBSOCS" on your bank statement.
If you've got any questions, would like to give a one off donation, or just find out more about who we are and what we do, then please feel free to drop us an email.